God of War Treasure Maps Guide: Discover Hidden Treasures and Easter Eggs

God of War Treasure Maps

In God of War, there are 12 treasure maps that players can discover and explore. Each treasure map works similarly, requiring you to follow clues and find the buried treasures. To successfully locate the treasures, you need to follow a specific strategy. The treasure maps in the game are as follows:

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  • Boat Captain's Key treasure map
  • Creation Island treasure map
  • Dead and Bloated treasure map
  • Don't Blink treasure map
  • Finder's Fee treasure map
  • Island of Light treasure map
  • Historian treasure map
  • Hunter's Kingdom treasure map
  • Kneel Before Thor! treasure map
  • Last Place They'd Look treasure map
  • Njord's Oarsmen treasure map
  • Turtle's Tribute treasure map

Boat Captain's Key Treasure Map

You will find the Boat Captain's Key treasure map in Stone Falls. It is located near the dock, appearing before the gate that you control with a chain. To find this treasure map, follow this clue: "With the Boat Captain in the belly of the Hydra, the key was mine! I traveled to a new land, but my ship sank with my precious key. It lies just beneath the waves, perched on the underwater peak." With this clue, head towards Death Island after Nine Lakes' low water level. Climb to the highest point of the island and look beside the wrecked ship to find the buried treasure.

Creation Island Treasure Map

The Creation Island treasure map is located on the shore of Iron Cove. The clue for this map states, "Why waste a lifetime worshipping those created by others? I honor Buri, the first among gods and the one from whom Aesir originated. On the island honoring him, I left a tribute." Use this clue to guide you to Buri's Storeroom, a location on the eastern side of the Nine Lakes.

Dead and Bloated Treasure Map

The Dead and Bloated treasure map is situated in the Volunder Mines, which you visit during the "Second Hand Soul" quest. At this point, pull the chain near the locked gate on the lower level. Two draugr will appear in front of the coffin, and the treasure map can be found nearby. The clue for this map says, "I would often come to this beach with Ingrid to watch the sunrise over the temple. I buried what I left beside the corpse of the troll that killed my relative."

Finder's Fee Treasure Map

The Finder's Fee treasure map, one of the 12 maps distributed in God of War, can be found in the Forgotten Caverns. To reach it, row west from Alfheim Tower, across the lake, and approach the shore. Enter the cave containing the Mystic Gateway and a wooden chest. Turn right and enter the first visible cave to find the Finder's Fee treasure map.

Island of Light Treasure Map

You can find this treasure map near Mason's Channel boat dock. As you leave, the map is located near the shore, close to the Mystic Gateway. The clue text reads, "During my time at this outpost, I spent most of my life serving the Light Elves of Alfheim. I will likely die here." To find the treasure, head straight from the dock and climb the light bridge leading to the Nornir chest.

Hunter's Kingdom Treasure Map

To find the Hunter's Kingdom treasure map, follow this clue: "Motsognir, ruler of man and beast. I came to his kingdom to learn if he had obtained the ingredients to forge the Armor of Legend. All I found was death and sorrow. I leave this offering in memory of those who suffered in the Dwarf King's quest for glory." To find the buried treasure of Hunter's Kingdom, head towards Veithurgard. Look for the lore marker near the entrance to the castle and search for a pile of mythical stones.

Kneel Before Thor! Treasure Map

To find this map, first, encounter a coffin behind a gate on the first floor of the mine's large room. Then, as you explore the lower parts of the mine, you will see an elevator. Use it to return to the coffin room or first floor. The clue for this map says, "I lived to serve the thunder god. I buried my greatest treasure in Midgard, where everyone should kneel: at the feet of the god of gods." Use this clue as a guide to find the map.

Njord's Oarsmen Treasure Map

To find the Njord's Oarsmen treasure map, visit the area in Northri Stronghold and the Northwestern Lake of Nine during the "Family Business" Favor. The map is located on the lower deck of the large ship where you fought the Traveler. At the dock beside the ship, you can break the ship's hull. The treasure map lies on the ground next to a knight's armor.

The clue for the Njord's Oarsmen treasure map reads, "On my last voyage, my ship was ravaged by Thor's thunder and storms. I had lost all hope when Njord's gentle wind parted the dark clouds and filled my sails. I hid my treasure where I could row with Njord's Oarsmen for eternity."

The Turtle's Tribute Treasure Map

The Turtle's Tribute treasure map can be found in the lower area of the Witch's Cave, next to the Odin Chamber door and a coffin. The clue for this map says, "I buried my treasure where the leaves are red and the mosses green, in the place where the Turtle dreams." With this clue, head to the witch's garden, part of The River Pass. Exit the garden and head towards the ramp leading to the house. The buried treasure can be found among the greenery in front of the house.

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