How to Play Diablo Immortal?

How to Play Diablo Immortal?

Diablo Immortal Beginner's Guide

Diablo Immortal is a multiplayer action role-playing game released by Blizzard Entertainment on June 2, 2022. It was originally designed to be played on mobile devices, but later the development of the computer version was completed. The first thing to do after entering the Diablo Immortal game is to choose a server. Since there is a transfer problem between servers in the game, server selection should be done carefully. When the "Latency" value under the servers is low, the probability of experiencing lag problems decreases. After the server selection is complete, players must make a class selection. You can choose from 6 classes in Diablo Immortal. Each class has its own characteristics. It would be better for players to research about classes before making a choice. Gender selection can also be made during character creation, and a maximum of 5 characters can be created on an account within the servers. At the end of character creation, a username is determined and the game is entered.

Diablo Immortal How to get started?

After the character selection phase, the game starts while you are moving in a boat. The boatman says that they have come to Wortham Village and that this area is quite dangerous. However, the character controlled by the players states that the person named Inna has set herself on this path and will continue without hesitation. The boatman adds that after following the road, the village is reached and there are some things to the travelers on this road. Then the journey begins for the players.

The character can be moved in the desired direction with the arrow directions at the bottom left of the phone screen. To attack the enemies, the fist mark on the bottom right of the screen is used. At the beginning, the footsteps on the road must be followed and the cursed villagers on the road must be killed in order to progress in the game. After a certain progress is made, two abilities appear in the lower right part of the screen next to the basic attack. With these abilities, it will be easier to kill mass enemy groups. While progressing along the path, players encounter a mage who revives a mini-boss named Putrid Desecrator. It will be easier to defeat the mini-boss by making different combos with abilities. When the mini-boss dies, item and experience orbs drop from it. To collect them, players need to go to the items and press the hand sign that appears at the bottom right of the screen. When leveling up, new abilities become active and new abilities can be accessed from the tab that appears at the top right of the screen. In addition, the bag sign in the upper right is used to see the falling items.

In order to wear an item, you must click on it and then click on the "equip" option. After continuing the path to Wortham, players will encounter the Wortham Protection. The guard says that the cultists attacked the city and dragged the people of the village into the caves. The new task of the players is to find the Vile Refuge. The footsteps in the game are followed and the enemies on the way are killed. After reaching the required area, the monster named Acolyte of Damnation must be killed to free the hung villagers. Players encounter Blacksmith Korrin after his monster dies. Blacksmith Korrin creates a portal to escape from the cave and click on this portal to reach the village of Wortham. The blacksmith offers to improve the item as a thank you. By clicking on a desired item, the development is completed. The new armor pieces obtained can be entered into the inventory and worn. Then the quest path is followed again and the enemies in the village are defeated. In order to reach the end of the first chapter, the boss named Eskara must be killed. The boss is defeated by using various skill combos and health potions, thus reaching level 10. Then click on the object named Worldstone Shard and return to Worham Village through the portal that appears. Thus, the first part is completed and the open world part of the game is entered.

How to Unlock Auto Pick Up Items?

In the Diablo Immortal game, it can be quite challenging to collect the items dropped from the monsters one by one. For this reason, there is an automatic item collection feature in the game. In order to turn on this feature, first of all, enter the "Settings" section in the game. When you go down in the "General" section, there is the "Auto Pick Up Items" option. When all of the options here are unlocked, all items dropped from monsters will automatically go to the player's inventory.

Diablo Immortal Item Levels

Items in Diablo Immortal have 4 different rarity levels; Common(white), Magic(Blue), Rare(Yellow) and Legendary(Orange). The part that distinguishes Legendary items from other items is the "Legendary" additional feature that can be seen when hovering over the items. These legendary traits can also affect the character's abilities. As the rarity level of the items increases, their power increases as well.

Item Salvage and Upgrade

In the Diablo Immortal game, item salvage and upgrade operations are done from Blacksmith. Players smash useless items in their inventory in the salvage in Blacksmith. Thus, they gain different materials according to the value of the items. In the Upgrade section, items can be selected and upgraded for money and materials. The attributes of upgraded items become stronger.

Auto Navigate Character

The auto-navigation action is a very useful feature in games like Diablo Immortal. In order to use this feature, the map is first opened. Then click on the region you want to go to and click on the "Navigate" option. Thus, the character automatically starts to move towards the desired area.

Daily Quests

Diablo Immortal has daily missions to do in order to evolve and earn various gifts. The area where these quests can be reached in the Westmarch region is marked in the red area in the image. It is possible to earn gold and items thanks to the daily quests received from the buildings named Challenge Rift and Elder Rift. You can also take daily quests from the Bounty Board located at the back of the rifts.

Empowered Battle Pass and Battle Pass

There are two types of Battle Pass in Diablo Immortal. The regular Battel Pass is given to all players for free. With the Battle Pass, it is possible to earn various rewards and money. Players who want to earn more rewards purchase the Emprowed Battle Pass. Battle Pass purchases cannot be made before level 20.

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