League of Legends Nilah

League of Legends Nilah

League of Legends New Hero Nilah

New champions come to the League of Legends game at regular intervals. On February 16, 2022, the manipulative and powerful Reneta Glasc was also included in the game. Then on June 9, 2022, the monstrous fighting champion Bel'Veth, known as the Void Empress, was added to the game. The Riot team continues the loop with Nilah ("Nee-lah"), an ADC champion whose water cuts through enemies pretty deep. This champion is an ADC with a melee fighter. The team didn't want to create a sad Ion Sword character again. Thus, Nancy 'Sojyoo' Kim, known as concept artist, started looking at guns of different designs. As a result of research, he came across Umuri, known as a flexible whip-type sword of South Asian origin. The Riot team started working on Umuri to increase the representation of the South Asian region on the game.

According to Riot Sojyoo's findings, there were no champions using whips in the game. However, adapting a whip sword to the League of Legends game and creating the feel of the game was a very difficult task. Many games are supported with physics and simulation engine tools. But Nilah's whip had to be specially designed just for her. That meant setting all anchor points and animating each motion frame one by one. The necessary work was carried out with great care to bring a whip-wielding hero to the game.

Nilah's Skills

The first look at Nilah's skills was leaked by BigBadBear. Although his abilities seemed complex, the fact that he was a melee ADC excited everyone. Below are Nilah's abilities along with their descriptions;

 Passive: Joy Unending

Nilah's passive empowers nearby allies' healing and shield abilities. Allies who shield or heal Nilah thus gain bonus healing or shielding. Also, if an ally heals or shields herself near Nilah, she gains bonus healing or shielding. If Nilah last hits minions, she and her closest ally will gain a normal amount of shared experience. Grants half of the experience lost in addition to the experience that would normally be gained.

 Q: Formless Blade

Nilah's Q has two different attributes, active and passive. Q's passive causes Nilah's basic attacks and abilities on enemy champions to be ignored, as well as some of the enemy's armor. And heals Nilah for an amount of the damage dealt. This effect increases in direct proportion to critical damage, and excess heals turn into a shield.

Q's active attribute causes Nilah's Formless Blade to deal damage along a dash. Nilah's attack range and attack speed are briefly increased when an enemy is damaged by her Q ability. Also, his basic attacks are empowered, and the cone leaps across an area, dealing bonus damage.

 W: Jubilant Veil

With her W skill, Nilah covers herself with a joyful shroud, gaining bonus movement speed for a short time. When using this ability, Nilah dodges all basic attacks and starts taking less magic damage. Allies Nilah comes in contact with also benefit from the Shroud of Joy protection, but this effect lasts for a shorter period of time.

 E: Slipstream

Nilah's Fluid dashes behind a target unit, dealing damage to all enemies she passes through. It can accumulate a maximum of 2 Fluid loads at once. Casting Shapeless Blade while using Fluid creates a ripple in Nilah's path, dealing damage after a short delay. And thus also activates the Shapeless Sword's empowered basic attacks.

 R: Apotheosis

When her R is cast, Nilah explodes with power, striking an area around her with her whip, then pulling enemies into the center of the area with the final blow. Sublime Ideal heals for a fraction of the damage dealt. It also converts the excess healing amount into a shield. This effect increases with critical strike probability and is shared with a nearby ally.

Star Guardian Nilah

Champions new to League of Legends come with a skin. The name of Nilah's announced skin is Star Guardian Nilah.

When will Nilah be released?

Introduced as the new bottom lane champion, Nilah's release date may be closer than expected. The Riot team has confirmed that the new champion will arrive with patch 12.13. According to some sources, the release date of Nilah was set as July 13, 2022, but this date may change as it is not certain.

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