League Of Legends Mid Lane Guide

League Of Legends Mid Lane Guide

Mid laner has been the most popular role since the appearance of League of Legends. The player's fairly high map impact combined with a lot of damage. As in every role, there are some tricks to consider in the mid laner role. The point where the two parts of the river meet is the middle corridor. It is also the junction point of the lower and upper forests of the blue and red teams. Therefore, it is quite normal for opposing players to want to try to put pressure on the mid-lane. In the middle corridor, known as the point where all corridors meet, every point of the map should be followed and the corridor should be advanced accordingly. Below are some key points about the mid-lane. (Buy Best PC Games in eTail!)


Mid Lane Champion and Summoner Spell Selection

Assassins and mages make up the majority of mid-lane's champion pool. The middle lane is slightly shorter than the upper and lower lanes. For this reason, the mobility of players playing in the middle lane is limited. But mages and assassins do a lot of work in the short corridor. One of the things to consider when choosing a champion in the mid-lane is that the character can roam. Characters with high roaming skills are more successful in mid-lane. Characters in this style roam to aid the top and bottom lanes, providing the ideal setting for the central location of the mid-lane on the map.

Players' selection of summoner spells may vary when playing in mid-lane. Players who want to get more kills by putting pressure on the lane will get splashes and fires. Players aiming for a more passive game prefer jumps and barriers. In some cases, it is possible for jumping and teleporting to do the job as well. The selection of summoner spells depends entirely on the composition of the team.

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Trading and Totemming

The middle lane, the shortest lane in the game, is open to attacks from all directions. Players who play this role must understand when and how to protect. Totemization in the middle lane is of great importance to follow the opposing players. Mid laners usually place purchased red wards in bushes close to their turrets. Because it will be more comfortable to protect the totems from this point and to clear the enemy totems that are thrown next to them. In some cases, the mid laner player may not have vision on either side of the river. In such cases, it is more correct to choose the lower or upper part of the map and play close to the side of view. Later in the game, mid laners exchange their invisible wards to get an Oracle Lens or farsighted ward. Assassins and mages often choose the Oracle Lens to ambush. Long-range poke mages, on the other hand, prefer the farsighted totem. In this way, low-health opponents at long distances can be found and destroyed.

Management of Minion Waves

It's important to stock up on waves of minions when preparing to attack in the lane. When mid-laners deal damage to each other, minions attack champions first. Having a wave of minions larger than the enemy player's wave is very useful in battles. It's harder to stop the minion wave in mid-lane than other lanes. Since the lane is short, minion waves reach towers faster. The fact that the mid-lane is shorter than the other lanes is not entirely harmful. In the event of danger in the short corridor, the player's reach to his tower is also very fast. Mid-lane players' minion strategies are usually based on advancing waves as quickly as possible. The team pushing the wave gets priority on the map from viewpoint. Also, quickly knocking out waves of minions into the enemy turret causes the enemy mid-laner to lose gold and experience.

Roaming and Solidarity

The term roaming is a name given to the player leaving their lane to help their teammates in the other lane. In the middle lane, roaming is indispensable. Mid-lane players are usually closest to junglers. Thus, they can act together with the jungler to raid other corridors. The usual tactic is to roam other lanes by pushing the minion wave in the mid-lane. However, there are points to be considered while roaming. The health and mana status of the teammate to be helped should be checked and set out accordingly. Otherwise, time may be wasted or the death of the mid laner may occur during the roam. Care must be taken to ensure that the path to the corridor where roam is desired is safe. Roaming without knowledge of the opposing jungler's location on the map would be a novice. An opposing jungler can block a mid-laner in the roaming path.

Return to Base

When the mid-laner wants to return to base, he should wait for the minion wave with the big minion to arrive. This way, even if the opposing player pushes the minions, fewer minions are lost because the turret will hit the car minion. The big minion wave spawns every 3 minion waves.

League Of Legends Mid Lane Preferences

Character preferences may also change with the new patches coming to the game. The most preferred mid-laner characters are listed.

•    Malzahar
•    veigar
•    swain
•    Ahri
•    Kayle
•    Zilean
•    anivia
•    victor
•    Taliyah
•    fizz
•    lux
•    Zed
•    Yasuo
•    yone
•    Katarina
•    brand


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