League Of Legends Jungle Guide

The purpose of the League of Legends Jungle guide explains the role of a jungler and how the jungle works. It allows players to perform better when playing in the jungle section. The jungle role is one of the unique roles in League of Legends. He spends most of his time earning gold by killing neutral jungle creatures in the forest areas of the map instead of lanes. Junglers get gold and experience points from creatures in the section on their team side of the forest. They also provide support to teammates who are in trouble or excel in the lane. In this way, the balance in the corridors is changed or strengthened. Entering the opposing team's jungle can also be of great benefit to the team. This allows the opposing jungler to lose gold and experience points.
People who take on the role of jungler must also have very good map control. When teammates are attacked, they should be close to the lane for support as soon as possible. A player with good map control can guess which part of the map the opposing jungler is in. In this way, different techniques can be applied against the possibility of ganking by the opponent jungler. In addition to all this tracking, completing the missions on the map is also a very important key point. Obtaining the dragon and the baron provides the team with gold and various power-ups. For this reason, it is necessary to follow the times when the tasks will be released and adjust the duration of the "multiply" skill accordingly. Otherwise, the opposing jungler can easily steal the dragon or the baron. The most important point that jungle players should focus on is quests. (Buy Best PC Games in eTail!)
Jungle Camps and Quests
The player needs to know what to expect in the forest. Each team has six different jungle camps in their jungle. There is also the Shrimp Crab, one on each side of the river. The Dragon in the river pit near the lower lane and the Baron and the Herald of the Rift in the river pit near the upper lane come to life. Below is a brief description of the monsters.
Red Brambleback: When this jungle monster is killed, the player receives a "Red buff". This causes the player's auto attacks to slow and burn. Also, when the player with this buff stays away from the battle, he gets some healing.
Blue Sentinel: When this jungle monster is killed, the player will receive a "Blue Buff". This buff gives the player mana and energy regeneration. It's best to give this buff to the mid-lane after Blue Watch's second or third spawn.
Raptors: Provides experience and gold to the player when killed. There are 5 small birds and one big bird in this camp. To take less damage, the bigger one is usually killed first.
Murk Wolves: This jungle camp consists of three monsters that give experience and gold when killed. One big and two little wolves. It is important to kill the big wolf first to lose a little life.
Krugs: This jungle group consists of two rock-like creatures that give gold and experience points after being killed. When the larger krug is killed, two medium-sized krug appear. When medium-sized krug are killed, 2 small krug will appear. A total of 10 krugs are killed, 6 small, 3 medium, and 1 large. It's important to take down the big ones first.
Gromp: This forest creature is a frog that gives gold and experience points when killed. It is quite easy to kill but has a lot of health.
Rift Scuttler: One Rift Scuttler spawns on each side of the river on the map. This forest creature cannot attack. But it takes some effort to kill him, as he can easily slide away from abilities and attacks. Gives experience and gold when killed. It also creates a totem in the middle of the river when it dies. This totem provides vision and speed in the circle area.
Drakes: Drakes spawn in the pit area near the bottom lane. There are five different types of drakes, and they all provide different features. All drakes give the team gold and experience points.
- Infernal Drake: Defeating this drake causes increased damage to all team players. Increases the team's ability power and attack power by percentage. After the third drake, some bushes and walls disappear.
- Mountain Drake: Defeating this drake increases the tankiness of all players on the team. Increases armor and magic resistance by percentage. When the third drake is killed, the walls of the cliffs split and boulders spawn at different points on the map.
- Ocean Drake: The ocean dragon is seen by players as the most worthless dragon. This drake provides the team with health and mana regeneration outside of combat. When the third drake is killed, it starts to rain on the map, more plums begin to appear, and grass forms in some spots.
- Cloud Drake: When killed, the cloud drake grants the team movement speed and slow resistance. After the third drake, there are areas where players can run faster on the map.
- Elder Drake: Ancient Dragon is known as the strongest drake in the game. After a team kills 4 dragons and takes the drake's soul, the Elder Dragon appears. With the slaying of the ancient drake, each team's hit and ability burns enemies for additional damage. Also, enemies whose health falls below a certain level are killed directly. The effects of this drake expire when the player dies or the drake expires.
Rift Herald: Rift Herald spawns in the pit area near the top lane. Killing grants gold and experience points. Also, a Herald Eye drops when killed. The player who receives this eye can summon the omen of the valley within a certain period. Rift Herald travels to the nearest lane where it was summoned and deals more damage to the tower. This will make it easier for the team to earn gold and advance the lane.
Baron Nashor: The Baron also spawns in the pit near the top lane. The Baron's first respawn time is 20:00. Up to this time, two Heralds of the Rift can be revived. When the Baron is killed, the team receives one of the strongest buffs in the game. The entire team's ability and attack damage are increased. The player with the Baron buff also grants buffs to minions when standing near them. This makes it easier to knock down towers by pushing corridors. Players lose the Baron buff when they die.
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