League Of Legends Top Lane Guide

The top lane is one of the most challenging lanes. Because the lane is quite long and the person playing the top lane fights alone. The closest thing to a one-on-one duel in League of Legends is to play in the top lane. But the junglers of the teams can disrupt this situation at any time. Fighting alone is pretty dangerous, so top lane players need to be extremely careful with everything. From character selection to purchased items, every move counts. First of all, it is necessary to learn about champion selection.
Top Lane Champion Selection
The top lane is quite long and the only person who can support the top lane player is the jungler. Often he has to fight alone. For this reason, high damage or tank champions should be selected in the top lane. Due to the one-on-one combat in the top lane, the choice of characters is quite large. The necessary runes are obtained by looking at the characteristics of the selected champion and the enemy. Summoner spells, on the other hand, generally don't change much. Most League of Legends players chooses to teleport and bounce when playing top lane. Because when a war breaks out in the bottom lane, the top lane player can provide support by using the teleport feature. He can also use this spell to quickly reach the lane he must hold alone. Some League of Legends players, on the other hand, prefer characters with high damage and receive the burning spell. In this way, they can take over the corridor by putting too much pressure on the enemy player.
Trading and Summoner Spells
All actions like fighting each other in top lane, spending spells, or ignoring minions can be called trading. Understanding the attack range of champions and acting in top lane accordingly is one of the key points. Characters with long-range attacks can easily poke and annoy melee characters. Long-range champions can only use auto-attacks to reduce their enemy's health. But automatic attacks are only part of the battle. Factors like summoner spells, cooldowns, and range are the rest of the battle. Summoner spells greatly affect the battle. For this reason, it would not be a good move to fight the opponent before the cooldown of the summoner spells expires. Some champions' spells can pass through minions, damaging units behind them. Using this type of spell, health reduction is applied without getting close to the enemy. This will require the opponent to return to base and the lane can be easily pushed. In League of Legends, it is more important to control the lane and get more farms than to kill the opponent champions.
Using Wards in Top Lane
Due to the nature of the top lane, it is very important to be careful and check the map. Top lane players also do this map control thanks to totems. Usually, top lane players place their first wards around 02:30. This is exactly when the opposing jungler can take the blue and red buff and gank. Of course, it is not possible to control the map only with invisible totems. For this reason, top laners should also keep their red wards ready in their inventory. Usually, top-lane players place their red wards in areas close to their turrets. Regions, where totem casting is most popular, are marked in the picture. Players on the red team throw the red totems into the triple bush and those on the blue team into the upper river bush. Later in the game, some players replace their invisible totem with the Oracle Lens. But the best top laners use invisible wards until the end of the game.
Freezing and Pushing Terms
The terms Freezing and Pushing are not just about the top lane. Actions applied in all corridors. But Freezing and Pushing in the top lane is a little more important. A top laner fighting alone may fall back too far from the game with his opponent freezing the lane. The term Freezing is simply to last hit instead of dealing random damage to minions. This slows down the corridor. Usually, this method is used when the opposing team's top lane minions are high. With the Freezing method, the opponent loses top lane experience points and gold. Pushing refers to the act of clearing waves of minions as fast as possible and directing the allied team's minions to enemy turrets. Usually, the pushing method is used if the opposing top laner has left the lane. In this way, plates that give gold rewards can be obtained by damaging the opponent's tower.
Using Summoner Spells
As mentioned earlier, the best summoner spells for the top lane are ignite-flash or ignite-teleport. The leaping ability is the most popular. The vast majority of players enter the game by taking the leaping ability. The ability to leap is very useful when champions are trapped or trapped. A player playing fire in the top lane should only use this ability when entering an all-in trade. This means that two players fight to the death. The way top laners use their teleport ability is completely different. It can teleport quickly instead of walking down the corridor. In this way, the player does not miss the experience points or gold of the farm. Another usage method is to quickly assist teammates in the far area of the map. The thing to note when applying this method is that the teleport ability is thrown to the rear of the enemy units. In this case, the enemy troops will not have enough time to escape.
Considerations While Playing in the Top Lane
The top laner needs to realize that he is on his own and must be very careful. Below are some items that top laners should pay attention to.
• Top laners need to experiment with different play styles to learn what type of champions they're most comfortable playing with. The top lane is also a lane with a large champion pool.
• Preventing the enemy from farming is very important in the top lane. Distracting the enemy when farms are low on health is an effective farm-blocking method.
• Advancing the top lane and then placing wards in the opposing team's jungle is a very rewarding task for the team. This allows you to tell if the opposing team's jungler is close to the top lane.
• Players shouldn't be afraid to cancel after using the teleport feature. When the teleport is canceled, it is necessary to wait a shorter time than the normal cooldown.
• Using the Ignite ability at the right time is also a critical point. If the enemy champion is a life-stealing character, ignite and inflicts heavy wounds, reducing the enemy's healing abilities.
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